Study for success
Free extra classes to compliment your course
Free Extra Classes
Leeds English Language School loves hardworking students!
Our free extra classes compliment your language learning and enable you to meet and work with students from other levels.
Self Study
Study with your friends after school.
This is a good opportunity to try to learn something that you find difficult as a member of staff will be available to answer questions. Just go to the office if you need help.
Students have access to:
- Grammar books
- Practice papers
- Chromebook computers
- Graded readers
- Dictionaries

Tea and Chat
Lots of chatting!
This fun and friendly conversation class is free for all students. Practice speaking and listening with a different teacher each time. You can also have a lovely cup of tea. *In Yorkshire we sometime just say “cuppa”.
Topics might be:
- Popular music
- Weather and the environment
- Food from around the world
- Our lives in the future
- Television and film

Culture Club
Occasional Thursday treats!
These classes are useful for learning interesting English vocabulary about culture, lifestyle, regions and entertainment in the UK.
Recent subjects have been:
- Football
- Technology
- British regions (areas)
- Yorkshire dialect
- Social media vocabulary
B2 First (formerly FCE)
The B2 First (formerly First Certificate in English) qualification is useful for work/study abroad programmes and it lasts for life.
This isn’t running at the moment as we do not have any students who want to do it but if you are interested please let us know!

Other Courses
Apply today and we will send an application pack to your email.